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Blaine's Flix

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Blaine: I've seen great comedic zombie movies from "Shaun of the Dead" to "Zombieland" to the two "Dead Snow" movies and "Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse" makes number five. I watched the trailer for it one week before it was released and I thought "Looks good, I'll have to see it". And I love zombies. Because it is rated R, I figured it might be good. I go for a lot of unrated stuff in humor. If the movie was PG-13, I probably wouldn't have seen it. I had to work on Halloween and I thought it would be nice to celebrate Halloween a day early by seeing "Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse". I saw it opening day and when it was over my thoughts were "This movie is fucking hilarious! I'm really glad I saw it!"


     Three scouts, Ben, Carter and Augie discover the town is being overrun by zombies. They team up with Denise, a cocktail waitress who works at a strip club to save their town from the undead. The boys use their scouting skills to take down the zombies.

Blaine: At the beginning of "Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse" I was thinking of "28 Days Later" because that movie started off with lab experiments with a virus running loose after someone releases them and that's how this movie started off, except instead of animal liberation activists, it's a janitor played by "Workaholics" Blake Anderson. I was laughing hard through the movie after Ben and Carter hit a deer with their car. There are a few things I have not seen in a zombie movie before, like the animals becoming zombies. Usually the zombies will eat every peace of that animal and it'll stay dead without moving. Another thing is seeing a zombies cock, I mean that's something I don't usually see in a zombie movie. I’ve seen some nudity, but not a cock. That thing would stretch out like a rubber balloon with no air in it when Ben was holding on to it so he wouldn't fall and I get squeamish watching that scene from time to time because it’s getting stretched out and then breaks off. I've seen someone hold onto a zombie's guts so they don't fall, but never a penis!

      I love the young actors they chose to play the scouts. In the end they realize friendship is important and it is because of them being scouts that they have survived the zombie apocalypse by learning how to defend themselves. Hearing them scream is what makes me laugh the most about their performances. The character Carter, played by Logan Miller, says some of the weirdest shit which is what makes him funny. I feel he likes sexy women too much and he really wants to get some and that’s what causes him to say that stuff. He’s also a target for blood to splatter on.

      Both Ben and Carter feel they shouldn't be in scouts anymore because they're in high school and want to do what high school teenagers do, mainly date girls and get laid. Augie is the only one who still likes being in scouts and doesn't really give a shit about teen life. So they're treated like losers because they are still in scouts, but they become heros after saving almost every junior from high school at this party. Honestly I wouldn’t have saved those high school kids because it’s their funeral and they chose to have a party without letting anyone know where they are. The boys hitting the deer is hilarious because one, you can tell that the deer is fake, two, I’ve never seen anyone hit a deer that fast before and three the boys reactions when they see the deer on the road because they weren’t paying attention to road and it came out of nowhere. I’ve seen deer get hit before in other movies, I've even experienced hitting a deer in real life, but never that fast.

      I know of Tye Sheridan for playing Ellis in "Mud" and I thought he was great as Ben in this movie. In fact I love him more in “Scouts Guide” than in “Mud”. I also remember having the feeling that it is interesting seeing Tye in an R rated comedy after seeing him in a drama. In “Scouts Guide" Tye does a high pitched squeal, he’s freaks out and he is funny as hell. Ben is different from Ellis, but they have one thing in common and that’s they both believe everyone deserves someone to be with romantically. Ellis is someone who likes to hit people and doesn't really know how to get himself into a romantic relationship, where as Ben is more shy and doesn't know how to admit his feelings for Carter's sister, Kendall, whom he likes. He's also a good leader and a good person who gets concerned whenever he feels there is something wrong or it just doesn't feel like it's the right thing to do. And he’s polite. It’s because of “Mud” Tye got this job. They were looking for young actors to play the scouts and the director was watching “Mud” to pass the time on a flight and he loved Tye in that movie and it became very clear to the director that Tye should play Ben.

      David Koechner plays the Scout Leader and I almost thought they gave David a character with hair until it fell off. Academy Award Winner Cloris Leachman plays Carter's grumpy next door neighbor, Miss Fielder, the cat lady. For 88 years Cloris has wanted to play a zombie and it finally happened. When Miss Fielder's corpse was trying to take a bite out of Carter's ass, she had no teeth. Her false teeth were knocked out of her mouth so she was bitting with her gums and I thought that was weird, but at least she can’t infect him. There's a lot of action in the movie as well, but I was sort of more focused on the humor and Ben's situation with girls. I was, however, paying attention to the action when the boys fought the zombies at the party, especially when Augie would shoot balls at zombies' heads and they would splatter.

      I thought that Ben would have ended up with Denise in the end. She's a little older than him, but she shows interest in what he does as a scout. She's smart. She is just as much of a bad ass as the scout characters. Ben showed interest when Denise told him she didn’t have a boyfriend. When Denise asked him to kiss her as practice, I said "Go for it man". And I thought he would feel something in that kiss. I thought it would be like one of those movies where the guy is trying to get the girl he likes, but then he gets feelings for someone else and ends up loving her instead. Not the ending I was hoping for, but still a great movie. Kendall has thought of Ben as a brother in the past because she didn’t know that he has had a crush on her since the sixth grade, but I think she realizes she has always liked him too once he kisses her. Instead of continuing to survive the zombie apocalypse in the end, everything just goes back to normal. The zombie apocalypse only lasts one night and then it’s over. And through the end credits it shows Ben, Carter and Augie leading a new generation of scouts and it looks like Denise gives up working at a strip club and joins the scouts as well. The four of them make a great team. "Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” is one of the coolest and funniest movies I’ve ever seen, it made number four on my top movies of 2015, it was one of the best ways for me to spend Halloween and my rating on it is five out of five stars.