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Wonder Woman

a Patty Jenkins film

Blaine: This is a movie that is inspiring for a lot of women because it’s the first female superhero movie.

Plot(Spoiler Alert)

Born and raised on Themyscira, a secret island full of women warriors, Diana the princess of the Amazons wants to be a warrior like the other women on the island. Steve Trevor, an American pilot and spy, crash lands his plane off Themyscira’s coast after being shot at by the German’s. Diana saves Steve and brings him to shore. Steve informs the Amazons that there is a war going on and millions of innocent lives dying. Diana wants to help Steve and so she travels with him to the world outside Themyscira to help him fight the war.

Blaine: “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” isn’t that good of a movie, but it helped open doors for the DC Universe. In late 2014, Warner Bros. announced that they were going to make more DC films featuring a lot of it’s iconic characters that audiences have never seen before on the big screen. Patty Jenkins has always loved Wonder Woman and when a “Wonder Woman” movie was being developed she desperately wanted to direct it. She had a lot of passion for this project. Patty knew she was going to have a lot responsibility for “Wonder Woman” after she was hired to direct the film. It was exciting for her to tell the origin story of Wonder Woman of who she is, where she comes from and the journey she goes on to become the superhero she is. What Patty thought was so cool about this film is that it shows Wonder Woman as the first superhero in history sense her story takes place in 1917. Patty also wanted to bring a lot of the spirit of Wonder Woman in this film. Patty Jenkins would do anything to make Wonder Woman’s first movie look good and I admire her for having so much passion for this project and doing everything she could to make it a movie that a lot of people would like.

Gal Gadot, the actress who plays Wonder Woman, started off as Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years as a soldier in the Israeli military. After that she began a modeling career and then got bit by the acting bug after being apart of the “Fast & Furious” franchise. My friend Sheri, saw Gal Gadot guest star on "Jimmy Fallon” and Gal said that she was thinking about giving up acting until she got the part of Wonder Woman in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice”. Gal was very familiar with Wonder Woman, but didn’t know everything there is to know about her so she went through thousands of comic books in order to get to know the character a lot more. It was a joy for Gal to explore this character’s history. In “Batman V Superman” Gal would just be walking around in very nice dresses and she didn’t have that much dialog. Then towards the end you see her in action by helping Batman and Superman fight Doomsday. You see a lot more of Gal Gadot as Diana Prince in “Wonder Woman” and gives a way better performance compared to the performance she gave in “Batman V Superman". Gal shows that Diana is someone who is exploring the world outside her home. She also shows that Diana is someone who is very caring and wants to fight in order to save the lives of millions of innocent people. Gal Gadot said that boys grew up having so many male characters to look up to and she felt that it was important for girls to have a strong female character to look up to and Wonder Woman is that role model they need.

For five months, Gal Gadot and the women who play the Amazon warriors would have to eat every two hours and have three thousand calories a day. They also had to do two hours of weight lifting, two hours of sword fighting and two hours of horseback riding. For Patty Jenkins, it felt like they were really building up an army of Amazon women. Some of the women couldn’t believe they were doing stuff that they thought they would never do in their life and all that training transformed them. They got really ripped. Others thought it was incredible to be surrounded by women who are so strong and confident. These women would really put pressure on themselves to do their best to get in really good shape.

Patty found it very interesting to learn what Wonder Woman creator William Moulton Marston had in mind when he created Wonder Woman’s home, Themyscira. Marston thought of Themyscira as this paradise on Earth and he based the look of it on ancient Greece and Rome, but also made it exotic. One of the locations they shot at for Themyscira was the Amalfi Coast in Italy because Patty liked the beach there and another location was Matera, a city with ancient detailed rock buildings.

Chris Pine really liked the the love story between Diana and Steve Trevor when he read the script for “Wonder Woman". I like Chris Pine’s performance as Steve Trevor because he shows that Steve is someone who is an honest man and can teach Diana so much about what life is like outside Themyscira. Diana uses Steve disgusing trick by taking a blue dress from a woman in order to get into this German party and get close to General Erich Ludendorff, the German who is responsible for killing several people by poisoning them. After the German party, Ludendorff poisons an entire town of good people leaving them dead and Diana is full of rage. She believes that Steve doesn’t care enough that a town of innocent lives have just been murdered, but towards the end of the film, Steve shows he does care. Steve sacrifices his life so that millions of other lives can be spared and Diana learns there is more to battle than just fighting, sometimes there is also sacrifice.

Patty brought more of a tradition to this movie of what it means to be a superhero and that is to save lives and clean up crime. Not demolishing buildings and killing everyone who is inside them like Zack Snyder did with “Man of Steel” and “Batman V Superman”. That’s what I felt at the end of “Wonder Woman” as I was watching Diana fly off into the sky to go where the siren is calling her to.

“Wonder Woman” made film history by being the first female superhero stand alone movie and it got a lot of support from fans. Filmmaker Ava DuVernay and Oprah Winfrey love Patty Jenkins for being the first female director to make a spectacular superhero movie with a female main character. Lupita Nyong’o said on Twitter "the Gods have blessed us with Wonder Woman”. Elizabeth Banks said “I believe in Love & Wonder Woman”. Patty Jenkins had been called the biggest female director of all time because “Wonder Woman” became the first highest grossing movie directed by a woman. Jessica Chastain supported the film by posting a photo of herself doing the Wonder Woman pose. Rosario Dawson posted a video of herself doing the Wonder Woman pose with a “Wonder Woman” poster behind her. Bryce Dallas Howard blew kisses to a “Wonder Woman” poster. Christopher Nolan, the man behind “The Dark Knight Trilogy”, loved “Wonder Woman”. Chris enjoys watching other people’s movies because he is a moviegoer. He also said it’s nice to see other people’s work on the superhero franchise. Chris Hemsworth said that “Wonder Woman” had to be his favorite movie of 2017 because it’s so incredible and the people who worked on it did such a great job. One fan said that she had been wanting to see a Wonder Woman movie ever since she was a little girl and she had cried when she saw the first trailer for it. She thanked Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot in person for finally making that Wonder Woman movie she had always dreamed for. My friend Sheri couldn’t believe it when I told her there was going to be a Wonder Woman movie and at the same time she was excited. She loved watching the TV series with Linda Carter and was hoping that this movie would live up to it. Sheri loved it as much as the rest of everyone else. My friend James loved “Wonder Woman” and said Gal Gadot is badass. Gal Gadot sent out a video message to the fans thanking them for their love and support for “Wonder Woman” three days after it’s premiere.

My rating on “Wonder Woman” is five out of five stars.

Wonder Woman theme by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL