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Blaine's Flix

The Dark Knight Rises

The last chapter to The Dark Knight Trilogy

Blaine: Christopher Nolan didn’t think they were going to make a third film, but he kept wondering about the end to Bruce’s journey and once he and co-writer, David S. Goyer, discovered it, he knew he had to see it for himself. "The Dark Knight Rises" is the biggest movie I've ever waited for in my life. The only movie I've seen five times in the theater. A movie with action, excitement, romance and some humor. The movie also touches you from the heart. I really got sucked into the story. Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer and Jonathan Nolan have written one of the best trilogies ever made. I waited two years for “The Dark Knight Rises” and I was very happy that it turned out way better than I thought it was going to be. It's more than just a movie to me. It tied with "Cloud Atlas" for my number 1 movie of 2012. My experience with "The Dark Knight Rise" began at the beginning of my senior year in high school. I was in my yearbook class with my friend, Jeremy, and he was telling me about "Inception", which I still had to see at the time. We were looking up Christopher Nolan on imdb and under the writer credits there was "Untitled Batman Project”. There was an article saying that Christopher Nolan is putting a lot of thought into the script. Knowing Christopher Nolan he doesn't want to make just another film, he wants to make something that’ll be worthy enough to see and he was the reason I was excited about this film and I had faith. I also read that Christopher wasn’t going to shoot in 3D and he had a good reason and that’s because it would take peoples’ minds off the story.

I read a lot of online articles while they were in pre-production and there were a lot of set photos that went online while they were shooting and I was amazed because the movie was a year away from being released and already I get to see what Bane and Catwoman look like. I was even surprised to see a teaser trailer a year and five days early before the film was released. When "The Dark Knight Rises" was getting closer to being released in theaters that’s when the anticipation and the excitement was growing even more. There was also a feeling inside me that was saying "this is the biggest movie you've ever waited for and soon the long wait will be over." I mean "The Dark Knight Rises" was the number one thing I was looking forward to in the year 2012. I really liked the words the people involved with the project were saying in the interviews about “The Dark Knight Rises" like how spectacular it is, that it's not a sequel to make money, their experience to be a part of the trilogy and that it's one of the best ways to end a trilogy. Those are the kind of words I really like to hear about a movie like this. I saw it opening day with my friends from Monty Nuss Photography studios. That was a very special day for me, even though there had been the shooting massacre at the midnight showing in Aurora, Colorado (near where I live), but still very special. It was also a night to remember because I had such a good time and I wish I could go back and repeat it one more time.

I thought “The Dark Knight Rises” was smart and fun to watch. When "The Dark Knight Rises" was over, I thought "Man...that was a movie really worth waiting for!" After I got home from seeing the movie, I was sad because my experience with it was over and it was a really great experience. But I still have it in my memories.

Plot (Spoiler Alert)

Eight years have past after the death of Harvey Dent and the people of Gotham honor his memory at Wayne Manor, but what they don’t know is that it’s all a lie. Batman hasn't been seen since that night and Bruce Wayne hasn't shown his face as well. Alfred wants Bruce to move on and have a life and be happy. Bruce discovers one of the maids from the party is snooping around. Bruce tracks her down and discovers she is Selena Kyle, a professional cat burglar. Selena is trying to get rid of her criminal record by trading Bruce’s finger prints for a device called the clean slate, but the men who promised it don’t give it to her. Commissioner Gordon goes down into a underground tunnel to go after a gunman.

He gets knocked out by two thugs behind him and they drag Gordon to their leader, Bane, a masked, very muscular man. Bane reads the paper in Jim’s pocket. Jim escapes, but he is injured. One of the cops, John Blake informs Bruce that Gordon has been injured and that he knows Bruce is Batman. Blake met Bruce once at the orphanage he grew up at that was funded by the Wayne Foundation and Blake too lost his parents tragically. He feels the same pain Bruce feels and when he saw Bruce for the first time it was obvious to him that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Blake is still a believer in the Batman even though he doesn’t know why Bruce took the fall for Dent’s murder.

Bruce learns that Bane was trained by the same mentor as him, Ra’s al Ghul and was a member League of Shadows until he was excommunicated. With a new dangerous threat in Gotham, Bruce has no choice, but to come out of retirement and return as the Batman. After Bane and his men attack a stock exchange, they are pursued by Batman. Police are after Batman because he’s a wanted fugitive for crimes he did not commit. Every cop is after him, but Batman escapes in a new flying vehicle designed by Lucius Foxx called The Bat.

Bruce feels Selena can be of some help to him by taking him to Bane in exchange for the clean slate. Selena guides Batman down the tunnels, but what she does is lead him into a trap. Batman and Bane fight each other, but Bane is stronger and defeats Batman. Bane then brings Bruce into a underground prison in India to suffer while Bane destroys Gotham.

Selena tries to flee Gotham as far away from Bane as she can, but John Blake, now promoted detective stops her. Bane shows up at Wayne Enterprise and takes Lucious Fox and two other board members down into the sewers to activate the fusion reactor so that Bane can have it be turned into a bomb. Every cop in Gotham goes into the tunnels to catch Bane and his men. Blake follows up on the construction leads and discovers the police are heading into a trap. Bane triggers the explosives all around Gotham. The police get trapped underneath the tunnels and sewers of Gotham and the bridges that lead out of Gotham get blown up.

Bane makes an announcement live to the world that Gotham's end will come when the bomb goes off and anyone who tries to escape, then whoever has the trigger will set it off and blow Gotham to hell. The next day, Bane and his men show up at Black Gait Prison. Bane reveals through Jim Gordon’s words to the public that Harvey Dent became murderer and Batman took the blame for his crimes. Then Bane and his men break out the men Harvey Dent had locked up. Chaos goes through the streets of Gotham and the city now belongs to the criminals.

Selena Kyle feels what has happened to Gotham is too much. Bruce does all he can to build himself in order to escape, but keeps failing. The other prisoners tell Bruce that the only one who has escaped was a child. Bruce believes the child was Bane and that he is the air of Ra’s al Ghul. Bruce fears he will die in the prison while his city burns and there is no one there to save it. The blind prisoner next to him suggest he tries it without the rope just like the child did in order to find fear again. Bruce takes his advice and makes sure he truly believes he can do it. Bruce jumps and successfully escapes. There’s only a short amount of time before the bomb goes off. The bomb is being kept in a truck. Gordon and other men try to track it down. Miranda Tate helps them, but they get caught.

Bruce finds his way back into Gotham somehow and he needs Lucius Fox, but the problem is he is being held somewhere along with other rich people by Bane. Bruce needs Selena’s help and he takes a lot of risks giving her a second chance. He gives her the clean slate. Foxx is being held in a basement of a abandoned stock exchange. Bruce is brought in and finds Lucius. The only way to stop the bomb is to reconnect it to the reactor so it can stabilize. Selena breaks Bruce and Lucius out. Foxx needs the EMP cannon guidance mount from the Bat in order to create a device that can stop the triggerman from detonating the bomb. Gordon and his men are sentenced to exile by walking on thick ice. Batman shoots darts at the mercenaries and knocks them and saves Gordon and his men. Batman gives Gordon a device that can block the signal to the bomb. Mercenaries are about to kill Blake for trying to break the Police force out from the underground tunnels. Batman shows up, saves Blake and blows a big hole through so the cops can be free from the tunnels. Batman lets Blake know that he'll led an assault on Bane and that John has to get people across the bridge.

Batman gives Selena the Bat-pod so she could blow a hole in the wall that’s blocking the tunnel and create a path for people. Once that tunnel is open Selena will be gone, but Batman feels she could use her help to take Bane down. Batman stays to save the city. All the police gather city hall where Bane and his army are. Three Tumbler’s show up and if the police don’t disperse then they will killed. The police slowly move forward. One of the Tumblers is about to open fire, but then the Bat shows out of no where and disarms the guns. Knowing that Batman has their back, the police charge into battle with the criminals. Batman fights Bane and gives him everything he’s got. Batman demands to know where the trigger to the bomb is. Bane asks how it is possible that Batman escaped from the underground prison and return. Batman informs Bane that he is not the only who can escape, but Bane doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Miranda sneaks up behind Batman and puts a knife on his right side of the waist. Miranda reveals herself to be the child of Ra's al Ghul and that her real name is Talia. She also reveals that she has the trigger. She hits the button, but nothing happens. Gordon has successfully put the metal box onto the bomb to block the signal. Talia informs the Mercenaries to secure the bomb until it detonates. She tells Bane to keep Batman alive so that he can feel the heat and souls of the people he has failed. Talia gets into a Tumbler. Bane wants Batman dead and as he is about to shoot Batman's head off, Selena Kyle comes to the rescue and blasts Bane away from him with the cannons from the Batpod. She gets off and unties Batman.

Meanwhile on the bridge, Blake tries to reason with the cops on the other side so he can get the boys and everyone else to safety, but they don’t listen and have the bridge blown up. Blake looses it and yells at the cops. Batman goes after the truck with the Bat and tries to force it to the entrance to the reactor while Selena Kyle destroys the Tumblers guarding it. Batman shoots explosives at the truck and causes it to crash with Talia inside. Talia is badly injured and informs Batman, Gordon and Kyle that she sabotaged the reactor and that the bomb can not be stopped now. There is still enough time on it to get it drag it over the bay before it goes off. Batman attaches the bomb to the Bat. Feeling she will never see Bruce again, Selena finally admits to herself and to Bruce that she loves him. They kiss each other and then Batman gets onto the Bat. Batman reveals his identity to Jim Gordon through a memory of their past. Batman had already met Gordon when he was a kid who had gone through a tragic loss and Gordon was their to comfort him. Gordon tries to remember who the boy was and it was Bruce Wayne. Gordon now knows who Batman really is. Batman carries the bomb.

John sees an explosion go off at one of the buildings and assumes it’s the bomb, but two of the boys on the bus look closer and see it’s Batman. Batman flies the Bat in full speed out in the bay and far away from the city. As Batman is luring the bomb far away from the city, Blake is relieved at first, but then realizes that it could be the end of Batman. The bomb goes off over the bay and Gotham City is safe. Everyone is cheering, but Blake is the only one who is sad for Batman is no more. John looks at his badge and feels there is no justice in it so he throws it into the water.

A small funeral is held in memory of Bruce Wayne by Gordon, Foxx, Blake and of course Alfred. Alfred is crushed over Bruce’s death and feels he has failed Bruce's parents for not protecting him. Gordon asks Blake if there’s anything that will change his mind about quitting the force, but there’s not. Blake feels no one will ever know who saved an entire city from a terrible fate, but Gordon informs him that they will. A statue is presented at a platform in honor of Batman for saving Gotham city. Gordon feels lost as he looks at the statue of his deer departed friend. Foxx tries to figure out what he could have done to fix the auto pilot on the Bat, but finds out it’s been fixed for months.

Blake shows up to hear Bruce’s will. The house becomes an orphanage, the furniture and artwork of the house are sold to settle the estate account and the remainder is left to Alfred. John Blake gets coordinates that leads to a waterfall and a gym bag with a climbing rope and shackles inside. Alfred is at a cafe in Florence. As he is done and putting his credit card away, he notices a gentleman looking across the tables and smiling at him. Alfred nods at him. Bruce left the Batcave to Blake and the film concludes with Blake exploring it.

Blaine: “The Dark Knight Rises" has a great ensemble and the actors did a great job with the performances they brought into their characters. What I like about Christian Bale's performance in this trilogy is that he becomes more than one person. When he puts on the Batsuit it’s like he’s someone else. Christian said he would return to play Batman only if Chris Nolan was directing the film. “The Dark Knight” was more of an ensemble movie and it didn’t quiet focus on Christian that much at least that’s how it felt, but in “The Dark Knight Rises” he feels like the lead again.

Nolan had a line up of actresses to play the two female leads in the film. One would be Bruce's love interest and the other would be a villain. He narrowed it down to Rachel Weisz, Naomi Watts, Blake Lively, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway and Keira Knightly. They were auditioning without knowing who the characters were going to be. I had a feeling the female villain was going to be Catwoman because Chris brings these comic book characters into more of a reality and like Batman she’s human. The ones I was voting for to get the parts were Rachel, Blake, Natalie and Anne. I've known of Anne since "The Princess Diaries” and I’ve seen her work through out the years and then she was going to be apart of something that could be big especially being apart of the Batman saga. When I found out she got the part, I shouted “YES!!!” Anne had done some research to explore Catwoman and how she can fit the character into Chris Nolan’s world. She discovered that Bob Kane based her partially on Hedy Lamarr. She watched a lot of Hedy Lamarr films so she could pick up any traits. It was Jonathan Nolan’s idea to put Catwoman and it took a while for Chris to figure out his way of bringing the character in the real world. Then he realized that she could just be this con woman, this grifter, this classic movie femme fatale.

Rachel from the first two movies couldn’t accept Bruce for what he really is and chose Harvey Dent over him and Bruce has spent eight years not knowing the truth because Alfred kept it from him. Then Selena Kyle comes along and she’s someone who is almost like him. She knows how to fight, she wears black and wears a mask even though her identity isn’t secret. Bruce knows there is more to Selena than being a thief, that she has a conscience. Bruce also proves himself a man of his word to Selena by giving her the clean slate she desires. Selena has never met a guy like Bruce before who is so caring, honest, never gives up and can bring fear into thugs and can beat them to a pulp with his bear hands. In the end they both realize they deserve each other and have a happy ending together. It's one of my favorite love stories.

I knew someone was going to show up and save Batman from Bane, but the question was who. And then as Bane was about to shoot Batman, he gets blown away by Selena and I was like “Wow, nice save”. Selena was afraid of Bane before, but I think Batman has shown her the courage to face her fears of Bane.

I’ve heard a few people say that they didn’t like Bane in this movie because he didn’t live up to the comic book, but I do. Bane originally has some kind of steroid known as Venom that he injects into himself and builds him up and makes him stronger. He keeps Venom on his wrist and injects through a tube into his head. In the world of Christopher Nolan, Bane was attacked by other prisoners who are infected and they badly damage his face and possibly infected him. And what the mask does is take away the pain. At first I asked myself why would Chris Nolan use the wrestler as the villain of the film, but then I thought he must have a good reason, he’s a smart guy. Tom Hardy really transformed himself into someone else through his performance and his looks. I loved Tom's performance as Bane and he earned my respect for him as an actor after that. He put so much performance into those eye expressions and his voice. Chris Nolan had worked with Tom before when he directed him in “Inception” and it was Chris Nolan’s idea to cast Tom as Bane. Tom Hardy had to put on 30, 35 pounds of muscle weight in order to play Bane. They showed some early footage of the plane scene from the movie that was attached to “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol”. I found a video of it on Youtube and it had subtitles which was good because I couldn't quite fully understand what Bane was saying. All I heard was mumbling. He sounded different and more clear when I got to see the whole movie. They must have done a voice over for that in order for people to understand the words that were coming out of his mouth.

Michael Caine has brought the heart into Alfred in through this trilogy. Through Michael’s performance he shows how much Alfred cares for Bruce and that he’s the only person who fears for Bruce's life. Alfred wants Bruce to have a life, to be happy instead of spending his life alone in his house. And becoming Batman again is not what he wants either. It's one of the things about the film I find touching because it shows how much someone really cares about another person who he has known his whole life. Christopher Nolan's Alfred always supplies Bruce with useful advice and I can't imagine those words coming out of anyone else’s mouth than Michael Caine.

I was already liking the John Blake character after he met with Bruce Wayne because he understands Bruce's pain of losing his parents because John too lost his parents when he was a kid. I heard a rumor that John is someone who wants to capture Batman, but actually he knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, which was a surprise for me and he’s a believer in the Batman even though Blake doesn't understand or know why Batman took the blame for Harvey Dent's death. I was very moved when Blake said “I’m still a believer in the Batman.” Bruce is like a role model John and that’s what I love the most about John Blake. Bruce never stops proving he is a good role model to Blake by showing him he is a really good person. Even in death when Bruce’s will says the house will now be an orphanage, he proves himself to be a good role model. Bruce gives Blake good advice after John asks him "why the mask?”, that there is always going to be people out there that you care about.

I was afraid Joseph Gordon-Levitt wasn't going to be in this film because of his schedule, but then it was official he was going to be in the film and I was happy after that. I wanted Joseph to be in "The Dark Knight Rises" because I really liked his performance in "Inception" and I think Christopher Nolan is the best director he has worked with in his career. Before Joseph was offered the role of John Blake, Chris was thinking about him playing a villain. There were three different Batman villains (The Riddler, Albert Falcon and Black Mask) in talk for Joseph to play in the film while the screenplay was still at work. But then they decided that these villains weren't going to be in the film and after that the character John Blake was created and Chris gave Joseph the part. Joseph said he has been a Batman fan since he was a kid and he was honored to be apart of “The Dark Knight Rises”. Chris found a way of bringing Robin into his world without revealing the character’s true identity. And Joseph looks like the right person for that part.

I wanted Marion Cotillard to be in the film as well. After I watched the movie "Nine" in the Summer of 2010, I felt Marion should be in something more exciting, something everyone would want to see and something with action. And then I saw her in "Inception" and that's a great movie and then she was on the shortlist of actresses to be in "The Dark Knight Rises" and I said "Now that's what I'm talking about!!!” But then there was an article in January 2011 saying she won't be in the film because she was pregnant and I was disappointed. One month later there was a new article saying Marion Cotillard could be in the film after all and I said "What, I thought she was pregnant?!" So I read the article and it said her baby will be expected in May and she should have enough time to prepare for "The Dark Knight Rises". And I was happy after the good news, but it wasn't official that Marion would be in the film until April. The question was “who is Marion playing?” There was rumors saying she's playing the character, Talia al Ghul, Ra’s al Ghul’s daughter from the comics, but then in September when she was promoting her movie, "Contagion”, she told reporters she is not playing that character or any character from the comics. So it was official to me that she was playing a character created by Chris Nolan named Miranda Tate, someone who is apart of the Wayne Enterprise who is trying to get Bruce back on his feet. I actually believed Marion Cotillard, until I saw the scene where she sneaks up behind Batman, puts a knife through his right side and reveals she is the child of Ra's al Ghul. I was shocked and said "O' that liar." She had a good reason for doing it though. Marion probably didn't want to spoil too much for the fans.

Talia al Ghul is the unlikable character of the film, at least that’s what she felt to me after she revealed her true identity and the reason she is unlikable is because she was a snitch. She was doing everything she could to foil the plan of anyone getting to the bomb and stopping it. I didn’t feel anything special between Bruce and Miranda, but I was feeling it would be hard for Bruce to choose which woman is perfect for him between Miranda Tate and Selena Kyle around the time Batman gave Selena the Bat-pod. Even though they didn’t show that kind of difficult situation still that’s what it felt like.

Even though a lot of people in Gotham think Batman is killer, there are some who find it hard to believe and admirer him and they are children. Hope is almost lost for the foster boys because the police across the bridge were no help, but Batman shows up shortly after carrying the bomb and shows the boys what a real hero is all about and they shall always remember that.

Two actors who were in "Batman Begins" made cameos of their characters in “Dark Knight Rises". Liam Neeson made his appearance in the underground prison as Ra's al Ghul who Bruce is seeing in his head and Cillian Murphy made his appearance as Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow as the judge in the court. Liam had aged seven years since “Batman Begins” and has a bit of wrinkles so they covered that up by having him in the shadow, so that way the camera couldn’t clearly see his face.

My parents pointed out that the Mercenaries could have attacked Batman all at once when he saved Blake from them. I also noticed one of Mercenaries went down even though Batman didn’t touch him. But I think it looks good and it’s hard to imagine it a different way. Plus I was focussed more on how John Blake must have felt seeing Batman up close taking down thugs. It’s like he was watching through the child with in him.

Some of the extras I’ve seen before in other stuff. Deputy Commissioner Peter Fley was played by Matthew Modine from “Full Metal Jacket”. It’s too bad his character had to die because I was starting to like him. The CIA Op who talks to Bane at the beginning was played by Aidan Gillen, best known for playing Petyr ‘ Littlefinger’ Bearish on “Game of Thrones”. Juno Temple, who was a rising star at the time as Selena Kyle’s friend and accomplice. I didn’t recognize Joey King as young Talia al Ghul because she was nearly bald. I even forgot she was in this movie until she got out of the pit. Chris Ellis I’ve seen in small roles and I like the Fr. Reilly character who raised John Blake in the orphanage. I was surprised to see Desmond Harrington from “Dexter” in this movie. He was the cop Blake was trying reason with about crossing the bridge, but Desmond’s character had the bridge blown up.

Christopher Nolan’s co-screenwriter and brother, Jonathan, thought about there being an underground prison because it would represent Bruce when he fell into the well at the beginning of “Batman Begins”. Bruce’s dad went in to help Bruce get out of the well, but now that he is in an underground prison, Bruce has to figure out how to get himself out. The story of this child being born in pit, having a protector and being the child of Ra’s al Ghul I thought was genus, especially that the protector is Bane. Chris always has a great way of bringing these characters into his world and giving them their own story of how they became the people they are.

In “Batman Begins”, Batman had the Tumbler. In “The Dark Knight”, the Tumbler was destroyed, but the front of it transformed into the motorcycle vehicle, the Bat-Pod. And in “The Dark Knight Rises” he gets the flying vehicle, The Bat. I loved seeing the Bat in action for the first time on the big screen. Seeing it fly around shooting at the truck with the bomb inside, trying to avoid the missiles that are targeted on it. The design of The Bat is inspired by the Tumbler and it’s supposed to be like a helicopter. The Bat is supposed to be small enough to fit between buildings and go through road tunnels and be faster than a helicopter. It’s really cool how it goes from big battle scene between Batman and Bane and their armies to a chase scene where Batman and Catwoman have to get the bomb.

I didn't know what "A Fire Rises" meant at first, but when Talia al Ghul told Bane that she wanted Batman to feel the heat for when the bomb goes off, I thought "O that makes sense and it's clever." A Fires Rises….into a mushroom cloud.

I actually accepted Batman dying when I saw the film for the first time because some endings go great with the main character dying and Batman was sacrificing his life to save the lives of millions and he proves he’s a hero more than Harvey Dent could every be. Seeing the sad look on John Blake’s face as he is looking at the mushroom cloud is an emotional scene. Even though Gotham is safe, still losing someone you really care about can hurt. John looked up to Bruce and cared for him. I was wondering where Selena Kyle was and why she wasn’t at Bruce’s funeral. And when Bruce is revealed to be alive I asked myself if Alfred knew the whole time or just discovered it? Whether he’s dead or not I accept it and I was very happy to see him with Selena. I remember seeing an article saying Robin could be in “The Dark Knight Rises” and he could be Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character. Turns out it was true. And while the clerk was giving John Blake the bag Bruce left for him she mentioned the name “Robin” to him. I looked at the screen with a shocked look and I think I was pointing at the screen, looked at my friend Megan for one second, looked at the screen again and smiled. It was that kind of feeling where the kid inside you is saying “That’s Robin?!”

My rating on “The Dark Knight Rises” is five out of five stars

Morgan Freeman: "Christopher, he's such an inventive writer. He doesn't like to go back over old material. It's gonna be as new as he can make it and he's pretty good at making it new."

Michael Caine: "It gave me a whole new look at movies because seven years ago when Chris first came to do the first movie I had never been in any of these great, big productions, you know and it was wonderful. It was a whole new world for me.

Anne Hathaway: "If you can be Cop Number 2 in a Chris Nolan movie or you could be Catwoman or whoever, you know that you are in such good hands and you're gonna have the time of your life. And I'm gonna miss this one, because of what I got to do but also because of all the people I got to come to work and be around every day. It was a beautiful experience.

Tom Hardy: "I remember feeling very confident when I first came in to the screen test, because I put on weight. I was like, "I feel good." And I remember seeing Christian in the makeup chair and he looked really weedy. And I thought to myself, "I can handle him." And then I went and got changed into my Bane costume, flexing my muscle feeling confident and then Batman turned up. He was about 3 foot taller than me and I was like: GASPS. You know? There was a 3-year-old in me that was like, "That's--That's Batman. "Ha, ha."

Cinematographer Wally Pfister: "I think, really, we've been able to craft a body of work that will stand the test of time. It's been a really amazing journey with this family myself and Chris Nolan's ensemble troupe. You know, we spent eight years making these films together. My kids have grown up on these films so it'll always have a warm place in my heart."

Editor Lee Smith: "I've watched my children basically grow up through the making of these three films. You know, from being tiny little kids to now in college. It's kind of a life experience. It's something you will never forget."

Story David S. Goyer: "It's become something much bigger than any of us and I'm honored to have been a part of it. And for me, personally, growing up reading comic books as a kid telling my mom when I was 13 that I wanted to make a Batman movie and I got to be involved in three of them I'm just grateful to have been a part of it."

Screenwriter Jonathan Nolan: "Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One two comic books my brother gave me when I was a kid for my birthday. And Batman Begins premiere was on my birthday 13, 14 years later. And I was standing there thinking this great privilege of not only working with the best filmmakers in the business but the chance to work on the one comic hero--You know, I didn't have a lot of heros when I was a kid, but this was one of them. And I feel uniquely lucky and privileged to have gotten a chance to do that."

Favorite lines in “The Dark Knight Rises”

Lucious Fox: Nothing like a little air superiority.

Selena Kyle: My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men.

Batman: This isn’t a car.


Blaine: Hans Zimmer had added some new stuff, but also had some of the same stuff from the previous Batman films, but with a little more excitement to it. Composer Hans Zimmer didn't think they were going to make another movie after "The Dark Knight". The theme he wrote for Catwoman goes with the character.

Hans Zimmer: "Just the joy of being able to work on this thing. It's not work. Yeah, you get tired, but it's not work, it's making music. And making music, I suppose the operative word there is "play." So I spend a year playing."


Blaine: Well “The Dark Knight Rises” wasn’t popular during award season of 2013, I even find it ridiculous that it was only nominated for visual effects. It did however win the Most Anticipated Movie at the 2011 “Scream Awards”. Whether it was nominated or not it still is a spectacular movie. I was happy Anne mentioned that “The Dark Knight Rises” was one of the best acting ensembles she was apart of in 2012 when she won her SAG Award during the first semester of 2013.