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Show Me Love

a Lukas Moodysson film

Plot (Spoiler Alert)

Agnes lives in a small town in Sweden and she has a huge crush on this girl, Elin, at school. Although, Agnes is invisible around Elin, until one night when fate brings them together.

Blaine: Lukas Moodysson wanted to write a story about what it is like to have romantic feelings at a young age. It started off differently, probably with two people of the opposite sex, but then it changed to two people of the same gender who fall in love with each other. That concerned Lukas, even though he was the one writing the story. The reason was because he was afraid of what people might think of him if he made a movie involving lesbians. “Show Me Love” is from the late 90s and I don’t think there was a lot of movies involving same sex attractions. Today, they’re everywhere. Lukas feared people would think of “Show Me Love” as a sexual fantasy. But the story was more about sharing your feelings with someone. And it also represents what teenagers do in life, like hang out with their friends or get picked on by other kids. But for some reason, Lukas decided to move forward with the project and turn his screenplay into a film.

“Show Me Love” wasn't the type of film that didn’t require much, but Lukas didn’t want it to feel like it was just some cheap film. He wanted it to feel unique. A lot of the actors Lukas had hired were newcomers and hadn’t had much experience in acting. Rebecka Lilijeberg and Alexandra Dahlstrom are the leads of “Show Me Love”, but there’s also the people who surround them, like their families and the kids at school. Lukas made sure that his actors had plenty of rehearsal time so they could put on great performances that he wanted to see. The actors really express the dialog and it’s interesting to listen to it in the Swedish language, because this is a movie from Sweden.

Agnes' parents are throwing her a birthday party, but Agnes doesn’t feel it’s a good idea because she doesn’t fit in with the other kids at school and some of them are mean. There is however one person Agnes has had her eye on for a while and that’s Elin. There’s a rumor at the school saying Agnes is a lesbian, but little do they know is that it’s true. Agnes knows herself well enough to know that she’s not popular at school and that women are her type. But Elin is the only girl Agnes wants. Most kids at her age would be unsure about what they want in their romantic life. Thing is, Agnes is invisible around Elin. All Agnes wishes for is to be with Elin and her wish is about to come true.

Agnes is going through a difficult time with the way she is treated at school, and it can be like that for some people at that age. Her mom wants her to have friends, and Agnes feels her mother is kind of pushing it. Her father is more understanding and knows what she is feeling because he didn’t get along with others when he was her age. Agnes is full of depression and feels she will never be happy.

All of a sudden, Elin and her sister, Jessica, come over and it’s unexpected for Agnes that Elin shows up at her place. They were heading over to this other party, but they thought they would stop by just to have a few drinks, which is like crashing the party, or using someone just to get drinks. They're underage to be drinking alcohol, but they do it anyway. Lots of teenagers will do stupid things.

Jessica tells Elin about the rumor on Agnes being a lesbian and Elin finds it interesting. Elin doesn’t taken much interest in boys. She sees them all as the same. Jessica bets Elin to kiss Agnes and Elin takes that bet. Elin sweet talks Agnes in sitting next to her and she makes a move fast. It’s very unexpected for Agnes and something she would be excited for, but Agnes can quickly see that it’s all apart of a joke. Jessica and Elin leave to attend the other party, but Elin feels bad for making a fool out of Agnes. Elin’s not like the others at school. Elin has a heart. This is the first time Elin’s ever heard of Agnes and she feels Agnes shouldn’t be treated this way.

Elin is at the other party and like Agnes, she’s not enjoying the night. A boy, Johan, tries to talk to Elin, but she wants nothing to do with him. Elin decides to leave and goes over to Agnes’ place feeling she should apologize for what happened earlier. Agnes feels her life means nothing and she wants to slit her wrist because of that, but Elin shows up and things change. Elin feels more comfortable around Agnes than the people who were at that party. Agnes and Elin go for a walk and get to know each other more. At the party, Johan told Elin she was beautiful, but his words meant nothing to her. Elin’s more interested in knowing what Agnes thinks of her. Elin has truly made Agnes’ day and she likes how she talks to her. Elin kisses Agnes again, but this time it's a real kiss. Elin really feels something in that kiss and realizes that she is into girls.

Elin hangs around her older sister, Jessica, a lot. They do a lot of things together, mess around with each other, get in a fight, then apologize, things sisters normally do. There’s a lot of sides to Jessica and Erica Carlson, who plays her, did a tremendous job with her performance. Jessica will have answers for Elin because she’s the oldest and she has experienced one or two things. Jessica is also the big sister who is there for Elin. They’re very close. Elin always tells Jessica what’s on her mind, but admitting to Jessica that she’s a lesbian is another thing. Jessica knows something is up with Elin, but Elin is too afraid of what she’ll think of her. It’s easier to talk to Agnes about being a lesbian. Elin lies to Jessica by saying she’s interested in a boy and Jessica helps her out with that, even though Elin is getting herself involved with the wrong person. It’s the same boy from the party, Johan, and he has been wanting to get close to Elin because he likes her a lot.

Elin avoids Agnes because she is afraid what the truth might bring if it got out to the public. Agnes is upset again. She thought Elin was different, but she sees Elin is no different from everyone else. Elin does try to call, but it’s hard to do that, feeling Jessica will overhear her.

Elin isn’t happy where she is right now. Elin says what she wants to be in life, a psychologist, but her friends doubt that’s ever going happen. Agnes was more supportive of it. Elin can’t stop thinking about Agnes and she realizes she can’t live this way. After putting a lot of thought into it, she decides what is best for her. Elin calls off the relationship with Johan and he doesn’t take it well. Jessica doesn’t understand what is going on with Elin. Elin told Johan it was over in a mean way, but that’s because she was angry. She calls him the next day explaining that he is a nice guy, but her heart belongs to someone else. She doesn’t say who though. I think Johan understands, even though this hurts him because he has feelings for Elin and he thought Elin was the one. Johan is a sweet guy and he will find love one day, but it’ll be with someone who will truly be right for him.

At school, Elin wants to make things right between her and Agnes. Elin locks them both in the restroom so they can talk. Elin admits to Agnes that she loves her and Agnes can see that she means it. All of sudden other kids show up. They know Elin’s in there with someone, assuming it’s a boy.

Johan shows up and leaves after hearing that Elin is in the restroom with another guy. Johan is very upset for having his heart broken. Jessica sees how depressed Johan is and feels sorry for him. Like Elin, Jessica has a sweet side and while everyone is obsessing on what’s going on in the restroom, Jessica goes to Johan. She can see he needs a hug. Jessica saw the way Elin treated him when she dumbed him. Jessica knows Johan deserves better. Jessica must understand the feeling of love. That’s sweet of Jessica to spare Johan’s feelings, and be there for him.

Elin’s scared to open the door, but if Elin truly loves Agnes she’ll prove it. Elin makes a brave move and that is reveal to the school that she is lesbian and is in a relationship with someone she thinks is special, Agnes. Elin puts fear aside and she feels happy she doesn’t have to pretend anymore. She accepts herself for the type of person she is. And she has Agnes standing by her side, so she’s not alone. The two walk off without giving a damn about what anyone else thinks of them. So those two have a happy ending.

Lukas Moodysson feared that making “Show Me Love” might effect his career, but there was nothing to be afraid of at all. “Show Me Love” was acceptable to both an audience and to critics. “Show Me Love” was even named one of the most romantic films ever made. Although, there was still an issue that had to be dealt with and that was the title. ‘Show Me Love” wasn’t the films original title. The original Swedish title was inappropriate because it had a curse word in it. The film was given separate titles as it spread to other countries. The film has a couple of American songs in it. “I Want to Know What Love Is” by Foreigner, and “Show Me Love” by Robyn. Lukas decided to use one of those song titles and call the film “Show Me Love” for it’s American release.

My rating on “Show Me Love” is five out of five stars.