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Blaine's Flix

Rough Night

Blaine: The female version of “The Hangover”.

Plot(Spoiler Alert)

Jess is getting married and her old college friends, whom she hasn’t seen in a while, throw a bachelor party for her in Miami. They hire a male stripper and one of the girls accidentally kills the stripper by jumping on him, causing him to fall down and do serious damage to his head.

Blaine: Lucia Aniello and Paul W. Downs have worked with each other for years and they’ve done a lot of projects together. While they were in New York they were talking about how sad it is to not see your friends that often because people like them think about their careers first. Then they were asking themselves what would happen if you were on drugs and someone died? They thought that would be really fun to do that with women at a bachelorette party. And they wanted women because they think women are funnier than men. So they developed a script about old friends from college coming together and throwing a bachelorette party. Lucia and Paul pictured Scarlett Johansson as Jess, the lead character of the group, and the reason why is because they know she can be goofy and funny after seeing her in a few comedies she has done. Scarlett Johansson has read funny scripts that have made her laugh on the inside, but she has never laughed on the outside until she read the script for “Rough Night” and so she was in.

Lucia Aniello directed the project and she said “Rough Night” was the biggest project she has ever worked on because it was the first time she had directed a movie and her background is television. Lucia likes making comedies because she loves hearing people laugh. She said she couldn’t have asked for a better cast than the one she chose for “Rough Night”. Paul W. Downs also stars in the movie as Jess’s finance. He looks and acts really weird to be someone’s finance after seeing him in the movie. He and his friends act like they are gay when they are having their get together before the wedding. Plus Paul’s character wears a diaper through a lot of the movie which is really weird for me. Another thing I don’t like is all the penis jokes. “Rough Night” takes place in Miami, but was actually shot in Saddle Rock, New York and Hermosa Beach, California.

Kate McKinnon super stardom is rising fast because she is a very talented and funny woman. Kate is good friends with Lucia and Paul and they wanted her to play the Australian character, Pippa. Kate McKinnon is someone who really loves her job in acting and entertaining people. She is all smiles and looks like she has a lot of fun at being herself……at least that’s my opinion of her. Her character, Pippa, is sort of an outsider to the group because she never went to college with them, she met Jess sometime after college, but that doesn’t stop her from feeling like she is apart of the group and she wants to get to know Jess’s college friends. I really like Kate’s Australian accent because it sounds really good coming from her mouth. Kate had already practiced the Australian accent, but had never gotten a chance to use it in any of her roles until “Rough Night”. Kate had listened to a lot of Australian podcast and she watched the Australian series "Summer Heights High”.

Alice, Jess’s closets friend, becomes the jealous type after Pippa shows up because she fears Pippa might be a closer friend to Jess than she is. Alice never had any friends until she met Jess in college and she helped her feel special because how close they became. Jillian Bell said it’s funny when someone dies in a comedy and that’s what attracted her to the project.

Things are not so easy for the women in “Rough Night”. One of them accidentally kills a stripper and a couple more problems occur that the girls have to deal with in order to save their asses. The girls have three to four problems they have to take care of. The first problem is tricky and that is trying to figure out what to do. They decide to get rid of the body by dumping it into the ocean. The second problem is the easiest and the most funny in my opinion. The neighbors upstairs have these security cameras outside their house. Blair, played by Zoe Kravitz, has to go in undercover because the neighbors, played by Ty Burrell and Demi Moore, are very attracted to her. Blair doesn’t want to pay the neighbors a visit, but it’s the only way of getting her and her friends out of this mess. The neighbors have a three way with Blair and she is experiencing something wild. I didn’t know Blair was bisexual at first until at the end when she and Frankie kiss each other. Blair’s assignment was to find out how to get the footage from the neighbors, but things get very awkward for Blair once they inform her that the cameras don’t work. So Blair's assignment was all for nothing, but Zoe Kravitz said is fun to shoot that scene because Ty Burrell and Demi Moore are hilarious people to work with.

The third problem is that the dead body comes back by washing up on shore. That body just won’t go away. What I like about “Rough Night” is that there is also a mystery to the story. A cop shows up and Frankie believes he is taking advantage of her and so she knocks him out. Then shortly after he is revealed to be the real stripper Frankie had called for. So the question is who did they kill. The fake stripper is revealed to be a diamond thief and the girls are very relieved that it was only a criminal that they killed and that everything is going to be ok. I like that Alice grows a huge fondness for Pippa and they become friends after finding out the good news. But things are not so great because the detectives who show up looking for the fake stripper are his colleagues. Alice, Pippa, Frankie, Blair and the stripper get tied up and Jess must do what she can in order to save her friends and take these criminals down. Lucia and Paul were able to add a fight scene into their story as well. There’s an after credit ending showing what happened to those diamonds the fake stripper stole. I never asked myself what happened to the diamonds because I was too focussed on how the characters pulled everything off at the very end and have a happy ending.

My rating rating on “Rough Night” is four and a half out of five stars.