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Blaine's Flix

The Keeping Room

Running time: 1 hr & 26 min



    Taking place during the dying days of the American Civil War, two sisters, Augusta and Louise and a female slave named Mad look out for each other, somewhere in the South. Two rogue soldiers named Moses and Henry have broken off from the fast-approaching Union Army. Louise gets bitten by a raccoon and gets some kind of illness. Augusta rides her horse to a friends to get medicine and there she runs into Moses and Henry and they try to cause trouble. They track Augusta down after she runs. The boys intrude on the girls property and they must fight to defend their home.

    Blaine: Augusta, I would say, is the leader of the three. She knows how to use a gun and she is a hard worker around her property. Augusta and Louise's mom is dead and the dad, I believe, went off to war, from the looks of it. Mad is a slave, but she is treated more like a somebody around Augusta. Louise only thinks of her as a slave at first, but Mad shows that she cares for her whether she likes her or not. Then after Louise is feeling better from the raccoon bite, she realizes Mad is a good person and treats her like she is family. When Augusta slapped Mad and she slapped back, I was impressed with the fact that she is not afraid to stand up for herself. These three woman are afraid, but they don't give up without a fight. There was one scene I predicted was going to happen. Henry knocked Mad out and used the rifle to block the door. He was about to rape Louise and I thought Mad would wake up, get the rifle and shoot and kill Henry and that's what happened. I was happy that Augusta was alright and alive after Moses shot her. She did a good job playing dead so that way when he got close enough to her, she could knock him out. Moses got shot too in the waist, when they shot each other. Augusta and Moses reasoned with each other before shot him to death. My guess on what Augusta was thinking is that maybe Moses isn't all bad, maybe he has some good in him as well. In the end the girls have to set the house on fire, which wasn't easy for them to do and they had to move on and do what they can to survive by dressing up in the dead men's clothes. They can pose as men to blend in with the blue coats that are heading their way. It's a movie about not giving up and defending yourself and my rating on "The Keeping Room" is five out of five stars.