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Blaine's Flix

Knight of Cups

A Terrance Malick film

Blaine: I saw set photos for “Knight of Cups” on the Suicide Blonde site back in 2012 and this movie wasn’t released until three or four years later. I don’t have much to say about this movie, but I might as well talk about it instead of saying nothing. The reason there is not much to say is because this movie is like a silent feature. Terrence Malick’s newer movies, “The Tree of Life”, “To the Wonder” and “Knight of Cups”, have no dialog. You hear people talking, but you can hardly hear what they are saying. They sound like they are extras in the background. Other than that the actors don’t speak a lot in the film. The actors don’t have lines, they just have to say what ever comes to their mind, interact with each other and treat the scene like there’s no camera shooting them. Terrence Malick’s movies are more about life. Terrence is a mysterious director and one of the things that makes you ask questions is why post-production on his movies is too long. Like I said “Knight of Cups” was shot in 2012 and wasn’t released till 2015. What I find so unique about these new Terrence Malick films, like “Knight of Cups”, is the beautiful cinematography shots done by Emmanuel Lubezki. Just by watching the trailer I could tell there going to be great cinematography. “Knight of Cups” is more of a visual movie that shows these awesome moving images and there’s examples of them on the next two pages after this one.

Knight of Cups Cinematography