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The Incredibles 2

a Brad Bird film

Plot(Spoiler Alert)

Supers are still illegal, but the Parr family is trying to change that. They try to stop a villain, but they don’t succeed and they cause some damage to the city. Elastigirl is asked to sponsor the superheroes by saving the world, while Bob is in charge of looking after the kids, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack.

Blaine: It took fourteen years for there to be an “Incredibles 2” and that’s because some filmmakers, like Brad Bird, want to make a sequel worth seeing. Brad spent a lot of time thinking about how the Incredibles’ journey could continue. While Brad was promoting the first “Incredibles”, he had an idea about Helen going on assignments while Bob stays home and he stuck with it for years. Brad also knew he was going to want to show more of Jack-Jack. At the beginning of “The Incredibles 2”, it continues where the last one left off. The Parr family suit up to take on the villain, the Underminer. Fans finally get to see the Incredibles fight the Underminer. Of course I always believed they kicked his butt as a team, but they don’t. Bob and Helen go after the Underminer, while Violet and Dash have to stay behind to babysit Jack-Jack, but they want to get into the action too. The Underminer escapes, but his giant vehicle is still on, drilling through the city and causing a lot of damage. And the Parr family is doing everything they can to stop it. Once again the supers get in trouble for the damages they have caused. Brad Bird just won’t make it easy for his characters. But lucky thing for the Parr family they meet Winston Deavor, who is a big believer in the supers. His father always put his faith in superheroes and Winston takes after him. Winston will do whatever it takes to make people love the supers again and make them legal. Winston has an idea to have a tiny camera attached to the supers’ suit so that way the public can realize what the supers go through to stop villains and save the day.

Bob was the one who went on missions in the first movie, now it’s Helen’s turn. Bob is a little clumsy when it comes to saving people. Helen makes sure that no harm comes to anyone she saves and makes sure there is no serious damage to any buildings or property. She manages to slow down a train peacefully before it’s about to crash instead of slamming against it and letting everyone get injured like Bob did once. Helen also is trying to track down this new villain who specialty is mind control. Helen gets to become a detective like Sherlock Holmes. She will stop at nothing until she catches this guy. Brad Bird kept changing the villain for the movie. It started off involving artificial intelligence, but then Brad thought about having a villain who would want revenge just like Syndrome in the first film. Brad Bird is very clever when it comes to thinking up challenges for his characters to take on.

“The Incredibles 2” feels like it is more focussed on women and showing that they can be leaders. It shows Elastic Girl going out on missions while her husband stays behind. It also focusses on Violet and the situations she is going through. Violet wanted to have a normal life instead of having a super power. Then she put on the super suit, fought bad guys on an island and helped defeat a giant robot. She became positive about herself and felt strong enough to ask out the boy she likes. Then things went downhill because not only did her family get in trouble for causing a lot of damage to a city, but the boy she likes discovered she is a superhero and his memory had to be erased. So now he doesn’t know who Violet is. She just wants to feel alive again. Violet feels no one understands what she is going through. But then Bob confesses to her that he is doing everything he can to be a good father. Violet appreciates that her father is at least trying and that makes things better for her.

Bob, Violet and Dash learn that Jack-Jack has powers, which is weird because I always assumed they knew. While the family was fighting a giant robot, Jack-Jack was left with a babysitter and she kept leaving messages to Helen asking about Jack-Jack because she had discovered he has powers. She mentioned calling the police, a firemen and that Jack-Jack has special needs. You think that would leave the family curious to know what was going on. Then Jack-Jack stopped Syndrome from kidnapping him. The family could only see them from a distance, so they couldn’t tell what was going on. And finally at the end of “The Incredibles”, Jack-Jack was getting ready to fight the Underminer along with his family. I guess the family didn’t pay close attention to what was going on with Jack-Jack.

People would ask Brad Bird why the characters didn’t age a bit for the sequel. Brad worked for “The Simpsons” for eight years and they’ve always stayed the same, so he thought why age The Incredibles? Technology has been enhancing more since the first “Incredibles”. From the looks of it the sequel has more color and detail. The actors who do the voices of the characters were in different sound booths as their voices were being recorded. It’s hard for an actor to react to someone else’s voice if they are not there, but Brad Bird was with each actor in the booth and told them how he wanted their vocals to sound because he knew how he wanted to hear them. Brad didn’t show the whole script to his actors, just pages with scenes involving their characters.

In mysteries it is always the persons you least suspect, but in “The Incredibles 2” it’s obvious the villain is Evelyn Deaver, Winston’s sister. Judging by the way she looks Eveyln looks like the type of person who is not happy with her life even though she smiles. She blames the supers for her parents’ death. After the supers became illegal, a group of bandits broke into their house and they could have protected themselves by hiding, but the father chose to try and call the supers. He couldn’t get in contact with them because their lines have been disconnected.

Winston Deaver wasn’t supposed to be a nice guy at first until Bob Odenkirk was hired to do the voice because he’s the type of actor who shows a lot of excitement in his performance and that’s what Brad Bird added to the character when he rewrote him. Winston becomes a hero too. Winston's sister tries to escape the ship after the kids save the supers from being hypnotized and she tries to take him with her. But he decides to jump and stay behind with the others. The passengers onboard, senators and other supers, are hypnotized by one of Evelyn’s devices, but Winston breaks it, snaps them out of it and gives the supers an order to protect the senators. He doesn’t give up on what he believes in.

Brad Bird created new superhero characters to the team. The new super I like the most is Voyd because I like her personality and her power is very unique. She’s a teleporter, she can teleport anything or anyone. She’s the type of person who gets nervous a lot, but also excited. Voyd never knew if she would be able to put her powers to good use until Elastigirl came back to represent superheroes. She inspired her. “The Incredibles” is Sophia Bush’s favorite animated feature and she was very excited to be involved with the sequel. She put her own excitement into her performance.

My rating on “The Incredibles 2” is five out of five stars