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Godzilla vs Kong

Plot (Spoiler Alert)

Godzilla is acting strange, and a lot of people think he has turned. Some believe Kong maybe able to help by taking on Godzilla.

Blaine: Godzilla was first introduced through Toho Studios in 1954. He gained popularity fast, and Toho wanted to make more “Godzilla” movies. To make things more interesting, Godzilla would face an opponent equal in size. Godzilla would get a new opponent for each film Toho made, Gigantis the Fire Monster, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, and more. Godzilla’s third opponent had already been around since 1933, King Kong.

In 2014, Warner Bros. made a “Godzilla” reboot, but they also had a new Kaiju series in mind, like the earlier films. In 2017, Kong was re-introduced, again, only this time he wasn’t going to be climbing up a tall building, and bringing fear to civilians. No, they wanted him to be thought of as a good guy, who protects the innocent. The after credit ending to “Kong: Skull Island” would show there was more to come. There was cave drawings showing creatures fans are familiar with. It was leading to “Godzilla: King of the Monsters”. Kong wasn’t a main character in that film. There was already plenty enough monsters in it. It showed the monsters Godzilla had faced in the old movies, but they were not actors in costumes, they’ve evolved into digital effects. The film did show Easter eggs of Kong. The main opponent Godzilla was going up against in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” was the three headed monster, King Ghidorah. Godzilla had defeated Ghidorah, and was victorious, but that wasn’t the end because there was still one more thing out there Godzilla had to face……..Kong.

Adam Wingard has made a lot of horror movies in his career. Warner Bros. approached Adam asking if he would do “Godzilla vs Kong”, and it was really exciting for Adam. Adam had watched all the old classic “Godzilla”, and “King Kong” movies as a kid. When he was offered this job he revisited the franchise by watching every single movie to get a history lesson, and help him think of ideas for how the new movie should go.

If it wasn’t for Godzilla, humanity would probably cease to exist because the monsters would have destroyed them all. Godzilla is doing good by getting rid of evil. Although, not everyone agrees. Godzilla is too busy fighting his opponent that he doesn’t look down, and realize who he is stepping on. Humans are like ants to Godzilla. Godzilla needs to watch where he steps. He also causes a lot of damage to cities. It cost millions to build them, and billions to re-build.

Kong is different. Unlike Godzilla, Kong notices the humans. He’s a people person, or ape I should say. He’s always looking after the little guy. Except for if you shoot at him, then he is not Mr. Nice Guy to you because he hates it when people shoot at him. Kong knows some people are a good, and some are bad. The bad ones he doesn’t care for.

Where Kong is from, you wouldn’t have to worry about any damage to a city. It’s just rivers, mountains, and naturalistic environments. Mountains can take it more than a building. They don’t go down easily. They won’t go down at all, unless it’s something extremely hard.

“Godzilla vs Kong” feels more like Kong’s movie because there are more scenes with him than Godzilla.

At the end of “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” the human characters were thankful Godzilla was on their side, but they also questioned for how long? Godzilla is re-introduced as the bad guy in this movie. The beginning of his story shows him attacking a facility.

Godzilla, and Kong are almost like Batman, and Superman. Like Superman, Godzilla has powers. He is able to breath underwater, and blasts energy through his mouth. Kong doesn’t have any abilities, but he is able to fight with his fists like Batman. Batman will also use gadgets to fight his enemies. Kong will throw objects at whatever he is fighting. Kong hates helicopters, and other aircraft that can shoot. It goes back to the early 70s, after the Vietnam war. The army decided to make a trip to Skull Island, and were causing trouble for Kong by setting off bombs on his home. Also, it was planes that knocked Kong off of the Empire State Building after they shot at him, but that was a different version of him. During his first fight with Godzilla, Kong throws a super hornet at his opponent. Almost like Batman using one of his gadgets.

Godzilla, and Kong are the stars of these movies. It’s all about them. But they need someone to speak for them. The human characters are the voices of Kong, and Godzilla. They described to the audience who they are, and what their purposes are. There are humans that understand them better than everyone else. There will always be a new ensemble of actors for these Kaiju movies, but you’ll also see a few familiar faces. In this movie there is two teams. Team Godzilla, and team Kong.

Millie Bobby Brown returns as Madison after playing her in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters”. Madison needed rescuing in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters.” Millie wanted to improve Madison, and show there is more to her. Mille talked to director Adam Wingard about it, and he put her in charge of everything for the character. Millie even got to chose Madison's style in clothes for this movie. In “Godzilla vs Kong”, Madison is an investigator. She knows there has to be a reason for what Godzilla is doing. It’s almost like proving someone is innocent.

Kyle Chandler also returns, but you don’t see as much of him as you did in “Godzilla: King of the Monsters”. His character, Mark, went through a lot in the previous movie to get his daughter, Madison, back. He’s seen, and lost too much. Now he looks like he needs to settle down, but how can he when monsters are causing trouble.

Madison teams up with Bernie Haynes, a former Cybernetics technician who has been snooping for secrets. A lot of people will think Bernie is delusional, but Madison understands his language. She also understands what Bernie has been through, and she knows he is her best hope in getting answers on why Godzilla attacked the facility.

Kong’s best friend is a young deaf girl named Jia. She treats Kong with kindness, and understands him more than everyone else. Jia was a member of the Iwi tribe, the same people Kong protected on Skull Island, and they were nothing but quiet. The way they spoke was like a telepath. Jia has a different way of communicating, and that’s through sign language. She taught Kong how to sign. Sign language is the best way for an intelligent creature like Kong to communicate with humans. The apes in the “Planet of the Apes” movies communicated using sign. Even the white gorilla in “Rampage” knew how to sign.

Rebecca Hall plays Dr. IIene Andrews, and she has devoted her life to studying Kong. She feels like a wise character. She is also Jia’s adoptive mother, and they share a special bond. Kong sees a lot of people, but there is only two he knows best. Andrews feels like she is the second person after Jia that Kong trusts completely.

Alexander Skarsgard has been in a movie with apes before in “The Legend of Tarzan”, but now he has a much bigger ape to deal with. His character is thought of as odd by others, but he’s very friendly, and likes to express himself.

Kong doesn’t want trouble, he just wants a place he can call home. It sounds like Skull Island was destroyed. The humans bring Kong somewhere that looks like it could be the center of the Earth. There, Kong finds a toy for himself. It’s an axe that can glow blue. It looks like it is made from the spine of Godzilla. Seeing Kong hold that axe makes him look like Thor. Kong has gone from DC, to the Marvel Universe. I may also point out that Kong has been in the same movie with Tom Hiddleston, a.k.a. Loki, Thor’s brother.

Adam Wingard is a big fan of pro-wrestling, and he thought it would be cool to see Godzilla, and Kong rumble as if they were in a pro-wrestling match. It was the final round between Godzilla, and Kong, and I was rooting for Kong. Godzilla, and Kong were strangers to each other. They didn’t know they both fought on the same side. Godzilla is about to finish Kong, but as he takes a closer look at Kong he realizes he is not the enemy.

Godzilla knew humans were up to something. He always senses danger, and what the humans are doing is building a monster of their own. The humans plan to go “Pacific Rim” on Godzilla. The people behind “Godzilla vs Kong" managed to find room for another Godzilla legend, Mechagodzilla. Something goes wrong with Mechagodzilla. The humans aren’t in control of him anymore, he has a mind of his own now. Mechagodzilla is like Terminator times a million. The humans can’t control him anymore, but he is doing his job, which is try to terminate Godzilla.

“Godzilla vs Kong”, has more color compared to the films that came before it, and that’s because Adam Wingard has an eye for color. When it shows the title of the movie, there’s a lot of different colors flashing around it, like a disco rainbow globe light. And during the fight in Hong Kong, each one of the buildings has it’s own color, purple, green, orange, blue, red, and more. Makes the city look retro. Another example would be Godzilla, and Kong’s first fight. The first time those two come face to face is out at sea, and the sun is rising. On shore you have warm colors, in water you have blue. For “Pacific Rim”, Guillermo del Toro gave his monsters, and giant robots a colorful world to live in, and I think it’s Guillermo’s way of giving a Kaiju movie color that has been an inspiration for the rest of these movies.

Godzilla, and Kong have their differences, but they do have a few things in common. They are both gigantic, they both fight for good, and they never give up, no matter how injured they are from fighting. Mechagodzilla is about to kill Godzilla, but Kong saves his life. This movie shows Godzilla, and Kong going up against each other, and Godzilla almost had Kong until he spared his life. Then Godzilla was in trouble, and Kong finished off Mechagodzilla. So it looks like Kong is the winner. It took a little team work to take down Mechagodzilla, but Kong was the one holding the head. Kong, and Godzilla should have shaked hands with each other after that.

“Kong: Skull Island”, and “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” have an after credit ending, and “Godzilla vs Kong” was supposed to have one too. They shot, and put together the after credit scene for “Godzilla vs Kong”, but then Adam Wingard thought it would be better as the ending instead. Makes sense, I mean the previous films were leading to this. People have seen it so that’s it.

Adam Wingard wouldn’t mind making another movie with Godzilla, and Kong, but he’ll leave it up to the fans to decide if they want to see another movie or not. Something tells me the studio might want to make another movie, because of how successful “Godzilla vs Kong” is. It’s the hottest movie of the franchise. It certainly is the best Kaiju movie since “Kong: Skull Island”.

My rating on “Godzilla vs Kong” is five out of five stars