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Freddy vs Jason

Plot(Spoiler Alert)

Freddy Kruger resurrects Jason Voorhees from his grave. Freddy takes the form of Jason’s mother and gives him a mission to go to Elm Street and kill people so that they will think Freddy did it. If people think it is Freddy they will fear him again and he will regain his power back. But Jason goes too far and kills too many people leaving Freddy nothing to kill.

Blaine: In the late 80s fans of the “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Friday the 13th” movies had been wanting see Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees go at each other. The thing was they were owned by different companies. Paramount Pictures owned the rights to the “Friday the 13th” movies and “A Nightmare on Elm Street” belonged to New Line Cinema. Finally in the year 2000, Paramount Pictures finally decided to forget about the project and let New Line finance the movie. There were several different scripts written for “Freddy vs Jason”, but the studio rejected them all. One of the scripts involved Alice from the fourth and fifth “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies and the Freeman’s from “Jason Goes to Hell”. The only script that got accepted was the one written by Mark Swift and Damian Shannon because it established the histories of both franchises. The last “Friday the 13th” movie, “Jason Goes to Hell” ended with Freddy Kruger’s claw hand dragging Jason’s hockey mask down to hell and that gave Mark and Damian an idea of Freddy using Jason to kill people in order to regain strength.

Wes Craven, the creator of “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, wasn’t interested in directing another movie that involved Freddy Krueger because he had moved on to direct the “Scream” trilogy, plus there was certain things in the script that Wes said Freddy would never do. New Line had met with forty directors and a lot of them didn’t feel right. My choice for who would direct “Freddy vs Jason” would have been Robert Rodriguez (Planet Terror and Sin City) because I think a project like this would have been suitable for him. The screenwriters, Damian Shannon and Mark Swift had recommended Ronny Yu, a Hong Kong film director, because they were fans of his 1993 film “The Bride with White Hair”. Ronny met with the executives at New Line and told them he wasn’t interested in the project because he didn’t know anything about the two franchises. He had never seen one “Friday the 13th” or “Nightmare on Elm Street” movie in his life. The reason New Line wanted him was because they felt someone with his directing skills could bring something new.

Kane Hodder had played Jason in the last four “Friday the 13th” movies and he was open to playing the character in “Freddy vs Jason”, but New Line wanted someone new because the first thing that was on there minds was to make Jason tall again and be bigger than Freddy Kruger. They hired Ken Kirzinger, a Canadian stuntman, to play Jason because he was the right size. Next to Jason’s rotting corpse swamp look in “Friday the 13th: The New Blood”, his big tough guy look in “Freddy vs Jason” is one of my favorites.

Jason rises from his grave at the beginning of the movie because he hears his mom telling him to get up. But it really isn’t Mrs. Voorhees, it’s Freddy disguised as her. They wanted Betsy Palmer to return as Mrs. Voorhees to make a little cameo performance at the beginning, but she didn’t want to do it. Betsy had been asked if she could return as Mrs. Voorhees three more times in the “Friday the 13th” franchise, but she would always turn them down. The reasons why were because they didn’t want to pay her and she didn’t like the line that Mrs. Voorhees says in “Freddy vs Jason”. It goes “You promised me that you would kill all those people”. I would have payed Betsy just so I could see her with a full grown hockey masked Jason Voorhees.

Freddy and Jason have been going around killing people for years who have stepped on their turfs and everyone has become aware of the both of them and there’s no mystery to brutally killing people. Like for example in the “Nightmare on Elm Street” franchise kids were having nightmares about this creep and the parents and no one else believed that someone was trying to kill them through their dreams. A lot of them were aware of who Freddy Krueger was and they believe he is dead after parents burnt him alive. They don’t believe he has came back from the grave. In “Freddy vs Jason” a lot of people are aware of Freddy Kruger, but they don’t mention him because they know that’ll bring him back. The only people who don’t know Freddy Kruger is the teenagers and anyone from out of town. Jason Voorhees has always been known to a small town or any other location that is close to Camp Crystal Lake. Every time someone puts an axe in his head or put a machete through the left side of his head that makes people believe he is dead, but he always finds a way to come back.

“Freddy vs Jason” isn’t the type of movie that scares you, it’s more about seeing two iconic horror characters in the same movie together that are competing against each other. The teenagers in “Freddy vs Jason” feel like they don’t matter because they’re just teenagers. It's Freddy and Jason who are the stars of the movie and fans like cheering for bad guys like them to take the lives of teenagers. I’ve always heard that people like Jason more than Freddy and I think the reasons why is because he’s more tough looking. He can crush a guy’s skull with his bear hands, he can tear his fist through your chest and he can slice you with his machete. I think Freddy is good too because he has power. He can take any form, he can stretch, he can increase his size, he can walk on the sealing and he can make himself invisible. Another thing about Freddy is that after he kills someone he takes their soul and you are stuck inside him. The more souls Freddy takes, the more powerful he becomes. I always thought that was genius because it sounds like one of the worst type of things that could ever happen to someone after you are killed by Freddy Krueger. You would be stuck to his chest for all eternity. Jason just kills people, he doesn’t have the power to take their souls after that…..but he’s super strong. In “Freddy vs Jason”, Freddy Krueger is powerless because all the souls he had collected have been ripped out of him. In “Freddy vs Jason” you learn that Freddy has another power to him and that’s fear. Freddy’s like the boogeyman, if you believe in him then you fear him and that helps gain him power too.

Freddy only got to kill one guy in “Freddy vs Jason" and it was one of the most ridiculous kills he has ever done in a movie. He just throws the guy around, burns his back and then slices him. I’ve seen Freddy do way better kills than that. I’ve seen him use a boy as a puppet where the veins are the strings, I’ve seen him turn a woman into a cockroach, I’ve seen him overfeed a girl’s mouth with food that her cheeks blow up like balloons.

Jason got the most kills in “Freddy vs Jason” and I like his kills more. The first person Jason kills is a douchebag. He stabs the guy while he’s in bed using his machete and then uses his strength to bend the bed with the guy in it. Another one I like is when Jason crashes this party happening out in a cornfield. Jason twists a guys head all the way back, then throws his machete through another guys chest and then he just swings his machete at a lot of people while he’s on fire. The most challenging thing about that scene was having the machete stay on fire.

There’s a sequence where Jason is in the dream world fighting Freddy in his boiler room. The water pipes break and water comes down. Jason is about to attack with his machete, but stops when he sees the water. The reason why Jason fears water is because he almost drowned in a lake. The screenwriters never wrote that Jason was afraid of water in the script. It was a re-write. The screenwriters originally wrote that Jason perhaps would have a subconscious fear of drowning. I’ve seen Jason go into the water before. In “Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter” Jason would hide under the lake water and then put a sharp object through a woman’s chest while she is on a tube. And in “Jason Lives” he goes into to the lake to kill Tommy.

There are certain parts to “Freddy vs Jason” that I like. Such as the beginning of the fight between Freddy and Jason in the burning cabin and Jason just slams Freddy’s face through a window and then just drags him through the walls. And then there’s the oxygen tanks Freddy fires on Jason like they are torpedoes. Freddy even has a cool line in that sequence “Man the torpedoes”. Robert Englund did a lot of his own stunts for “Freddy vs Jason”. He would be on wires for whenever Jason was throwing him around.

In the trailer for “Freddy vs Jason” the final girl, Lori Campbell, is saying to her boyfriend “Freddy vs. Jason, place your bets”, but that never ended up in the movie. Quentin Tarantino was interested in seeing “Freddy vs Jason" because of that line, but it disappointed that it was never in the movie. One of the things I don’t like is the punk rock music score in the background. I just don’t think it should go with the movie.

Originally “Freddy vs Jason” was supposed to end with Lori making love with her boyfriend and then he turns into Freddy. Ronny Yu didn’t like it so they shot a different ending at the last minute where Jason rises from out of the lake and is holding Freddy’s head. Freddy looks at the camera and winks. No one really knows who won the fight in the end even though Jason is holding Freddy’s head, but the both of them are not dead. The number one question was if there would be a rematch between Freddy and Jason. “Freddy vs Jason” made more money at the box office than any of the “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Friday the 13th” movies.

My rating on “Freddy vs Jason” is three out of five stars.