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Avengers: Endgame

Plot (Spoiler Alert!!!)

Thanos successfully killed half of humanity by collecting all six Infinity stones and with the snap of his fingers, they all disintegrated. The Avengers did everything they could to stop Thanos, but he was too strong and they lost. The Avengers track down Thanos after he vanished, but by the time they find him he has already destroyed the stones so that way no one can undo what he did. Once again, the Avengers have lost. Five years have past and some have moved on, but others have trouble letting go those who they have lost. However a solution comes their way.

Blaine: This final “Avengers” movie was full of surprises that you would never expect. Marvel did a good job keeping a lot of things top secret and showing as little as possible so that no one could have any ideas on how this was all going to end. In my “Avengers: Infinity War” review I said “this is by far the biggest movie Marvel has done”, because there was several characters, fans have seen in the previous films, coming together to fight the bad guy they’ve been waiting for, Thanos, and they’ve never faced anyone like him before. He was this indestructible being who wouldn’t stop until he reached his goal and that was to collect all six Infinity stones to have 50% of humanity across the galaxy disintegrate. “Endgame” is the most powerful movie Marvel has made. One of the things that’s great about “Endgame” is that it adds more characters who were left out of “Infinity War”, like Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, The Wasp and Valkyrie.

What I was dying to see the most was Scott Lang, Ant-Man, get into the picture. The anticipation I felt was really strong. In the mid-credit scene of “Ant-Man and the Wasp”, Scott went into the quantum realm for a few seconds and his love interest, Hope Pym a.k.a the Wasp, and her parents were supposed to pull him out, but they disintegrated and Scott was trapped in the quantum realm. Seeing Scott get stuck in there made me very curious to know how he was going to get out. He was all alone in there and no one knew. I felt concerned for Scott after “Ant-Man and the Wasp” and the concerning feeling came back shortly after “Endgame” started. Everyone assumed Scott disintegrated too. My friend Luke predicted that Ant-Man’s problem may be a solution to defeating Thanos and he was right. The answer to it is time travel. Who knows what would have become of Scott Lang if he was outside the quantum realm. Maybe he would have disintegrated, maybe not, but being the quantum realm saved him from that. Scott was left out of the excitement in “Infinity War”, which I felt was disappointing. Makes me feel like he’s an outsider. Anyway, Scott returns after a rat wanders around and activates the machine to pull him out of the quantum realm. His thanks goes to a rat. Seeing Scott return was a relief for me. For five years Scott was stuck in the quantum realm, but things are really slow in there. Five years have passed, but Scott has only aged for five hours. He wasn’t aware he was stuck in there that long. When Scott returns everything looks like a disaster has happened. Good news for Scott is his daughter, Cassie, didn’t disintegrate. She is now somewhere in her early teens. It feels like a strong reunion between Scott and Cassie. She thought Scott had disintegrated and seeing her at a new age is a complete shocker for Scott.

Scott has a solution and that is time travel. Before “Infinity War” was released, there was an online article saying the “Avengers” movie that comes after will involve time travel. The plan is the Avengers travel through time and borrow the stones so they can use them to bring everyone back. Tons of actors made cameo appearances as characters fans are very familiar with from previous Marvel movies. The most surprising one for me was Robert Redford as his character from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” because Robert is supposed to be retired. He made it clear after “The Old Man and the Gun” that he was retiring from acting. But then again, “Endgame” must have been shot before “The Old Man and the Gun”.

Tony Stark has it good. He’s one of those people who leaves the past behind him because he still has his love interest, Pepper, and they both have a loving daughter. But there’s something Stark can’t let go and that is Peter Parker, Spider-Man, because they were close like father and son. It was really hard on Tony when Peter disintegrated while holding him in his arms.

Several characters lost their lives in “Infinity War”. A lot of them were disintegrated, but there’s a way to bring them back. However, two characters can’t come back from the dead, Vision and Gamora. Thanos sacrificed his adoptive daughter, Gamora, just to get the soul stone because in order to get the soul stone, you must make a sacrifice with something that means so much to you and there’s no getting it back. Even with the Infinity Stones, you can’t revive them. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton go looking for the soul stone in the past and the both of them are willing to sacrifice their own life in order to revive the lives of those who were lost. Natasha wins the battle in the end and Barton gets the soul stone, although it’s more of a devastating moment than a proud moment. Barton has successfully gotten the soul stone, but he lost someone who was very close to him like family. Natasha knew Barton’s life was more important because he has a wife and three children and they need him when they return. The pain is too much for Barton, but because of Natasha he got his family back and he will always remember her. She was a good friend. It won’t be the last time fans will see Natasha though. She will have her own stand alone movie, “Black Widow”, in the future, which will probably be a prequel.

Nebula used to be a supporting character and a hot head because she was working for the bad guy. But so much has changed for her through out the years. Nebula has become a better person than what she used to be by making friends with people who show her kindness like Gamora and Tony Stark. She is also now more of a lead character. Karen Gillan had played Nebula for five years and she has shown Nebula has evolved into a caring and positive person. She’s still a bad ass. The Avengers are split into different groups while traveling through time and each group has a partner. Nebula’s partner is Rhodey, War Machine. Nebula tells Rhodey a little bit about herself. Nebula is half machine and Rhodey knows how she feels. After his accident, Rhodey couldn’t walk anymore and an exoskeletal leg brace was made for him.

There’s bad news. Nebula of the past can link with her future self. Nebula of the future and War Machine travel to the year 2014 and Thanos is on to the Avengers because of the connection between the two Nebulas. Nebula from the past is different from her future self. She used to obey her father, Thanos, before she realized how much she hates his guts. Nebula of past also acts like a brat, where as the future one acts like an adult. Nebula from the past uses the time machine to bring Thanos and his ship to the future. And so Thanos becomes a problem again. Nebula of the future tries to reason with herself and tell her she can become someone better. But Nebula from the past doesn’t want that and so Nebula shoots her past self. I don’t know why Nebula of the future still exist after shooting herself, but I don’t care because it’s nice that she remains alive.

The biggest jaw dropper in “Endgame” was seeing how Thor has let himself go after five years. Thor wanted nothing but to make Thanos pay for killing half of the people of Asgard, including his best friend, Heimdall. Thor had Thanos right where he wanted him and put his new weapon right into Thanos’ chest, but Thanos was able to snap his fingers. Thanos gave Thor advice that he should aim for the head next time and Thor did that after the Avengers found Thanos. Thor has successfully killed Thanos, but he still feels like a failure because even though Thanos is dead, still a lot of people no longer exist. Thor decides to join the rest of the gang on their time traveling adventure and it turns out to be a great way for Thor to have a second chance with his late mother, Frigga, before she was killed by a dark elf. Thor has to avoid Frigga because no one can interfere with anything from the past. But Frigga is very aware of Thor’s presence and knows this chubby Thor is from the future, but that doesn’t matter to her. Thor’s happy to see his mother once again and Rocket gets to meet Frigga after hearing so much about her from Thor. Thor and Frigga let each other know how much they love each other because they never got a chance before her death. Thor wants to let Frigga know that she is going to die, but she knows it’s best not to alter things in the past. Thor borrows his old hammer before it was destroyed by his evil half sister, Hela.

The rule of Thor’s hammer is if you are worthy you can use it. Thor tested his team mates out to see if they could lift the hammer in “Avengers: Age of Ultron”. The hammer moved a little for Steve Rogers and that made Thor curious. When Iron Man, Captain America and Thor go face to face with Thanos from the past, Steve was able to use the hammer and it was really something seeing him hold that hammer. Steve has always thought about others and he fights for them, so that makes him worthy to use the hammer. The hammer is a fun toy for both Thor and Steve.

“Infinity War” had tons of action and the action in “Endgame” is saved for the end when Thanos from 2014 shows up. Thor, Iron Man and Captain America fight him as a team. Then Thanos brings out his army and Captain America, being the only one standing is ready, even though they out number him. But he’s not alone. All of a sudden these portals open. Everyone Thanos had disintegrated comes through them and they’ve got a score to settle with him. There’s wizards, people from Wakanda, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the rest of the Avengers ensemble. Watching that big battle scene between good and evil felt like “Lord of the Rings” mixed with “Star Wars”. It was so cool seeing everyone come together to take down Thanos.

“Endgame” doesn’t show that much of Captain Marvel as I was hoping. Captain Marvel was around in the beginning, but she was left out when the Avengers traveled through time and then she didn’t show up when everyone else did to help Captain America go up against Thanos’ army. My friend, James, said “Captain Marvel is always late.” I wanted to see more of Captain Marvel because I love Brie Larson and she has done one hell of a job bringing this character to life. Captain Marvel is the biggest bad ass in the Marvel Universe. Captain Marvel was around when the Avengers were looking for Thanos and kept in contact with them over the past five years. But it’s not all bad, at least Captain Marvel showed up while there was a battle still going on. She had a great re-entrance. She showed up as this big glowing light. Light is the way of saying Captain Marvel is here. Captain Marvel’s first appearance in “Endgame” is when she brings Tony Stark and Nebula to Earth. Tony Stark looks at her like she’s an angel. “Endgame” was shot before “Captain Marvel” and Brie Larson got to play the iconic character before she had her own movie. Brie already spent two years getting to know and explore who Captain Marvel is, so she was very prepared. Captain Marvel has a new look in the five years now future. Her hairdo is short, just like in the comic books and just looking at her in “Endgame” makes her feel like a strong presence. Thanos has taken on a lot in his life, but he’s never met Captain Marvel. She’s twice as strong as he is. There’s a moment where Peter Parker has the glove and a lot of the female heroes protect him and that was showing a strong feeling for girl power.

Thanos wants his future to remain victorious. Everyone is trying to keep the glove, Tony Stark has designed to hold all the Infinity stones, away from Thanos and he manages to get the glove, but what Thanos doesn’t know is Tony Stark’s gadgets work for him. So the Infinity Stones transfer from the glove onto his armer, Tony snaps his fingers, he defeats Thanos. Thanos and his entire army disintegrate or another way of saying it is being erased from the comic books. Thanos became victorious in the future, but his past self learns what it’s like to be a failure. Using all six Infinity stones can be too much for one being to handle. It’s worse for a human because it can kill you. Robert Downey Jr. has been playing Iron Man for the past eleven years in nine movies and he feels like the number one character in the Marvel Universe. I mean “Iron Man” is what started it all and Tony has been mentioned or popping up everywhere in the Marvel movies. Like Thor, Tony got to spend some quality time with his parent, Howard Stark, while the Avengers were traveling through time. He brought Peter Parker back and got to hug him. Tony and Pepper were married and had a daughter together, so Tony got to experience a lot of things before dying. Pepper, Rhodey, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers and Thor were by Tony’s side as he was taking his last breath. It’s a very emotional moment, especially at Tony’s funeral.

Chris Hemsworth contract with Marvel has expired now that he’s done seven movies with them, but who knows maybe Chris will do one more Marvel movie. I wonder if he’ll be in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” because at the end of “Endgame”, he goes from being an Avenger to a Guardian. Thor leaves Valkyrie in charge of the Asgardians while he joins the Guardians on their many adventures. Peter Quill is not too big on Thor joining the Guardians, but he should look at the bright side, he doesn’t have to compare his muscle weight to Thor’s because Thor has let himself go. When Thor first met the Guardians of the Galaxy in “Infinity War”, the gang was commenting on how muscular Thor looked and they said Peter was getting chubby. Problem is “Guardians of the Galaxy. Vol 3” won’t be out till 2022.

“Endgame” ends with something romantic. All his life Steve Rogers has done nothing but fight in battles and be a leader. He’s never had a life. Steve Rogers soul mate is Peggy Carter. Steve never had a life with Peggy because he crashed into ice during the 40s during World War II and was frozen in time. Steve’s biggest regret was never having a romantic life and having that dance he promised Peggy. For almost ten years, Steve Rogers had been living in the future and has adapted to it as well, but what good is it if you don’t have the person you love most in life. Peggy was everything to Steve as much as he was to her. Steve finally finds a solution. Steve is in charge of returning the stones to their original time the Avengers borrowed them. Steve uses it as a perfect opportunity to return to Peggy and at long last have that dance. “Endgame” certainly is the most powerful movie Marvel has made. Two characters lost their lives, but their deaths weren’t in vain.

My rating on “Endgame” is five out of five stars