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Blaine's Flix

Avengers: Infinity War

a Russo brothers film

Blaine: This is by far the biggest movie Marvel has made.

Plot(Spoiler Alert)

A powerful being known as Thanos plans to wipe out half of humanity in the galaxy using these six powerful stones called Infinity Stones. The Avengers join forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy, the people of Wakanda and Doctor Strange in order to stop Thanos from getting the other Infinity Stones and killing trillions.

Blaine: When Thanos showed his face during the mid credit scene of the first “Avengers” I didn’t know who he was, but I knew this guy had to be a big deal. He’s the most feared being in the galaxy. Thanos made his first full appearance with a cameo in “Guardians of the Galaxy” and he has been mentioned through the “Guardians” franchise a lot because he is the father of Nebula and stepfather of Gamora. In “Avengers: Infinity War” you get to know a lot more about Thanos and who he is. Thanos is a villain believing he is being a hero and his goal in life is to wipe out half of humanity because he feels there is too much of it in the galaxy for it to handle. “Infinity War” is an ensemble movie, but at the same time it’s Thanos’ movie because it focusses on his mission. Thanos' mission is to collect all six of the Infinity Stones in order to give him the power to wipe out half of humanity throughout the galaxy. Thanos comes from a race that is extinct because there was too much of humanity for the planet to handle and he doesn’t want that to happen everywhere else. Some villains just want to make a change in life, believing they are bringing peace and that’s what Thanos is. Josh Brolin isn’t a comic book reader, but he knew the character was a big villain in the comic books and that is why he said yes when he was offered to play Thanos. The Russo brothers talked about who Thanos is with Josh Brolin could know all the details on this character. The visual effects department had to work on 2,900 shots of Josh Brolin and transform him into Thanos. Marvel wanted Thanos to have a photorealistic look. Make him look as real as possible. If you did this movie fifteen years ago, it wouldn’t be as detailed or life like as it is now. Technology has enhanced a lot over the years. Josh Brolin is a professional actor and the visual effects department loved all the facial expressions Josh would show on his face.

All the hero characters fight Thanos and they have never fought someone who is equally matched or more powerful. The characters give Thanos everything they’ve got, but it’s not good enough. Anthony and Joe Russo are really good at directing action movies and that’s why all the fight sequences feel like they have more to them compared to the fighting in the previous Marvel movies. The Russo Brothers’ first Marvel movie was “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and there was a lot of action sequences and stunt work that was put into that movie. “Infinity War” has twice that. Working on “Infinity War” was a lot of work for the Russo brothers and they had to keep things secret because there was a lot of things fans wouldn’t expect to happen in a Marvel movie. They had to shoot some fake footage for the teaser trailer so that fans didn’t know too much. Marvel and the Russo brothers had to trick the fans into making them believe “Infinity War” was going to be the opposite of what it was originally going to be.

“Infinity War” focusses on different situations, but they all lead to Thanos. You are focussing in on one situation and then it cuts to another one. Just when you want to see what happens next from one scene, it cuts to a new one and you get sucked into whatever’s happening in that scene. So much goes on in “Infinity War”, more than the first “Avengers” and the second one, “Age of Ultron”. Not to mention it as almost every character from the previous movies. The first “Avengers” only had five heroes, two to four more joined the Avengers in “Age of Ultron”. The team keeps growing through these movies and “Infinity War” shows what I wanted to see right from the beginning, a huge group of heroes. Although there are some who are missing, Ant-Man, The Wasp and Captain Marvel. So much goes on in “Infinity War” and some have said it’s hard to keep track. Not for me though because I’ve seen movies like “Cloud Atlas”, with different stories cutting back and forth. One person I knew said he didn’t like “Infinity War” because there was too much going on. I think you should just have fun with what your watching. Watching “Infinity War” was so much fun and it showed everything I would want to see in an “Avengers” movie.

The beginning of “Infinity War” continues where the mid credit scene to “Thor Ragnarok” left off. Thor’s home Asgard was destroyed, but a lot of it’s people were safe on a gigantic ship. They were heading to Earth to start a new life, but ran into some trouble along the way, Thanos. The beginning of “Infinity War” shows three of the characters who were on Thor’s side at the end of “Ragnarok”, but I was curious to know where Valkyrie, the female Asguardian warrior was. And Korg, the species made of stones. The Russo brothers said Valkyrie managed to escape leading half of the Asguardians away to safety on escape pods. Thor suffers as he surrounded by dead bodies of his people. With every death Thanos causes, it agers Thor. Hulk tries to bring Thanos down, but fails. Heimdall, who is the Asguardian who is in charge of transporting beings through the Bifrost, uses all his strength, even though he is hurt, to send Hulk to Earth to warn everyone of Thanos. Thanos kills Heimdall, and Thor can’t take it anymore. Heimdall has always been there for Thor and ha good friend. To see Heimdall being stabbed to death by Thanos is heart breaking for Thor. Thanos has now taken things too far and Thor wants him dead more than anyone else he has fought in the past. Loki tries to kill Thanos by tricking him, but Thanos can see what he is up to. Loki has his ways of playing dead, but this time he is gone for good. Thor is full of rage against Thanos. Loki has been jealous of Thor growing up, but deep down he cares for Thor and Thor feels the same for Loki, even though Loki can be a trouble maker. Thanos is doing what he thinks is right, but deep down he is the worst bully you have ever encountered. First Thanos kills half of Thor’s people, then kills two people who mean so much to Thor and then he leaves Thor to die. Lucky thing for Thor help is on the way. I love the Guardians of the Galaxy and it was exciting to see them in this movie. The Guardians find what is left of the ship carrying the Asguardians and Thor looks dead at first, but he is very much alive, which is hard to believe for the Guardians. Anyone who would be exposed to space would be dead without breathing air. Thanos was mentioned a lot in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchise and now the characters finally face him. One of the members, Gamora, is the stepdaughter to Thanos and a lot of people have hated Gamora for that. They would also pick on her. Everyone wanted Gamora dead, but Thor thinks different, which is a nice change. Thor tells Gamora that she is not alone because he too has had serious issues with family members. His brother, Loki, tried to destroy New York and his sister, Hela, was worse.

Thor was doing fine without his hammer in “Ragnarok”, but now that he has faced Thanos, he needs something bigger to take that bully down. In “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2”, the group split into two. Rocket and Groot worked with the character, Yondu, while the rest were doing something else. Once again they split in two and this time Rocket and Groot work with Thor to help him get his new hammer. Chris Hemsworth takes his job and the work he does very seriously. First he was concerned that he and Mark Ruffalo were being fired from Marvel because they were left out of “Captain America: Civil War”. And then Chris was concerned what the Russo brothers might do with Thor in “Infinity War” because both Chris and Tiika Waititi, the director of “Thor Ragnarok”, were making changes to the character and they didn’t want Thor to go back to who he was in the beginning, they wanted to show Thor as a different person. But Chris had nothing to worry about because they were going to showing this new Thor. Rocket has always been a character with heart. He showed how much he cared for Groot in the first “Guardians” and then Yondu brought out the best in Rocket in “Vol. 2”. While they are on their way to the planet that makes the hammer, Rocket gets to know Thor. Thor has had too much to lose, family, friends, people, and it has left him empty. But the thing that is keeping him going is fighting for everyone Thanos has killed. Rocket feels so sorry for Thor because he has no one, but Rocket and Groot are there for him and they become his new friends. Thor also has his work buddies, the Avengers. It felt strange for the actors who have been in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies to be working with two new directors because James Gunn was their leader through the “Guardians” franchise and he understood who the Guardians are better than the Russo brothers. The Russo brothers had to get to know the Guardians of the Galaxy characters through the actors because they’ve spent four years playing these characters.

While Rocket and Groot are with Thor, the others, Peter, Gamora, Drax and Mantis go looking for Thanos before he gets one of the other stones. Thanos takes Gamora because she knows something that he wants. The Guardians go looking for them both and who do they run into, Tony Stark, Peter Parker and Doctor Stephen Strange. Coincidence that the Guardians would run into more members of the Avengers. But of course Thanos is the one bringing all these characters together. Through half of the movie, Groot’s mind has been focussed on the video game he’s be carrying around. But Groot comes back to reality after seeing the serious damage Thor has gone through to get his new hammer made. Groot can’t let Thor die because even though they’ve just met, he likes him. Groot makes a brave move in saving Thor’s life by making his hammer a fully functional weapon that’ll cure him. Thor will have a piece of Groot to remember him by because the handle to the hammer is made from Groot’s branches. Now that the hammer is made, it’s time to kick Thanos’ ass. Thor’s new hammer is like a boomerang stick. Thor makes a cool entrance while the fight is going on.

Fans of “Black Panther” were so happy to see Wakanda so soon a few months after it’s release. Wakanda felt like a cool place after seeing “Black Panther”. It didn’t take that long for Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Letita Wright and Winston Duke to put themselves back into the world of Wakanda because two months after they finished shooting “Black Panther” they did “Infinity War”. The world of Wakanda was another thing the Russo brothers didn’t know too much about. They learned everything there was to know about Wakanda from the actors who were in “Black Panther”, just like they had to get to know the Guardians of the Galaxy.

“Infinity War” feels more serious than any other Marvel movie in the past, mainly because it ends with the bad guy winning and so many beloved heroes have been killed. Some people thought it was weird that “Infinity War” would end there, but what do they expect it’s a long movie, you can’t expect it to go on forever. And it supposed to give you that feeling of anticipation. All the actors who were involved with “Infinity War” had no idea that half of the characters were going to vanish. It was something that was top secret until the day they shot those scenes that happen in two different places. It sucked for me that a lot of the characters who are Guardians of the Galaxy had to go too. Rocket and Nebula are the only ones who remain. Although this should be interesting seeing Rocket and Nebula work with different people and becoming members of a new team, the Avengers. What surprised me, and probably everyone else who saw “Infinity War”, was Black Panther was one of the characters who disintegrates, shortly after he gets his own movie. He was helping his female general, Okoye, up and I thought she would be the one to disintegrate, but there’s a twist. Instead it’s Black Panther. Okoye wasn’t sure about helping the Avengers out and protect the mind stone, but now she has seen that the situation wasn’t just the Avengers’, but everyone else’ too. Wakanda has lost their leader and it scares her. The ending to “Infinity War” made me very curious to see what happens next and how the characters that remain are going to resurrect those who are gone. Of course the fourth “Avengers” movie I wasn’t the only chapter I was looking forward to next. No “Avengers” movie has left out Nick Fury and he only shows up in the after credit scene to “Infinity War”. Nick is seeing people disappear. Nick has seen a lot, but nothing like this. This is a situation that is far worse than anything else. The Avengers are always the ones to call, but Nick needs help from someone else and that is Captain Marvel, known to be the most powerful superhero in the Marvel Universe. Nick vanishes too, but manages to call Captain Marvel before it happens. “Captain Marvel” is on my list of highly anticipated movies. I got goosebumps just seeing Captain Marvel’s symbol and can’t wait for her to join the fight.

My rating on “Avengers: Infinity War” is five out of five stars